Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Do Elephants Jump? An Imponderables Book by David Feldman

Imponderables are questions you might ask in where the answer will not be clear, no matter how much you think about them, and in which the answers are not solvable merely by cogitation (thinking).

More Imponderables are posed and answered in this, the 10th Imponderables book, from "Why was he called the Lone Ranger if he always had Tonto around?" to "Who was Casper the Friendly Ghost Before He Died?"

But Imponderables aren't merely posed and answered in this book. Past Imponderables are debated through letters to the writer from all around the country by people who weren't satisfied with the answer in a previous book to those who think that they could answer it better. And this book also contains an index to not only this book, but all previous books of Imponderables.

This book is great for people who love knowing the useless bits of information or trivia that most people don't. Some of the questions can seem like no-brainers (Like the one above- The Lone Ranger was called "Lone" because he was the last survivor of a party of Rangers which included his brother. He was shot, but nursed back to health by Tonto, who the Lone Ranger had saved as a boy. But also, Tonto wasn't a Ranger, so the Lone Ranger worked as the only ranger in the group.)but others do make you wonder about them even as you read the answer.

Best of all, the answers are written in a non-boring way, and the writer tends to go straight to the source for the information, making sure it is usually inassailable and free from error. Not always, but almost always. (If it was always correct, there wouldn't be so many writing to discuss it!)

Any Imponderables book is sure to be entertaining, and this one is no exception. With interesting questions, and lots of fun in the answers, this is a book that will engender lots of thought as well as interest. Highly recommended.

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