Monday, January 11, 2010

X-Men: Wolverine and Gambit by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale

Five women have been killed in London, and Gambit has been called in to find out who the killer is, because one of the victims is a former friend of his. But when he goes to England to find the killer, he comes up against both C.I.D., and Wolverine.

Worse, Gambit finds Wolverine standing over a dead body with blood splattered over his claws and body. But when Gambit confronts him, Wolverine tells him he doesn't even remember why he came to London, or how he came to be in this position. Discovered by the C.I.D., they are forced to flee with the help of Martinique Jason of Interpol, who was sent by Nick Fury to help them, or so she says.

Wolverine asks how Nick Fury came to know of his plight, but she doesn't get a chance to answer. To get away from the cops as they cross London Bridge, Logan sends the car flying over the side. When they come to, they are in the sewers, and Martinique lies dead at their feet in a pool of blood.

Gambit lays into Wolverine, asking why he had to go and kill her, too. But Wolverine doesn't think he did, and he thinks someone is playing with them, and his senses. She seems dead... Gambit blows a hole in the sewer wall, and he and Wolverine try to get out. Only to come back to where they started, and Martinique's body is gone. Only the blood is still there.

Gambit can't believe his eyes when Martinique confronts them, claiming to be looking for revenge on the killer of the girls, but Wolverine slices her open before she can shoot them, revealing... that "Martinique" is actually a sophisticated android.

Meanwhile, someone watches Wolverine and Gambit from an underground lair, where we learn that Martinique is the daughter of Mastermind, and is working with Arcade to screw with both X-men. But why?

What does Arcade gain from such a plot, and why implicate Wolverine in murders taking place in London? As "Martinique" plays with their minds, manipulating them like tools and puppets, can Wolverine and Gambit find their way through a maze of lies to the truth of the matter?

This was a short mini-series, but very well done. Because of Wolverine's well-known memory problems, it was just possible that he could have killed the women and not known or remembered doing it. In the end, of course, no fan of Wolverine or the X-men would believe he was actually responsible, but the rest of the world would hold him accountable.

The story is engaging right off the bat, with Gambit talking to a Danger- Room version of Rogue, and possibly killing or hurting her after he goes back to being what he is, a thief. But that's just a small foretaste of what's to come. The ultimate reason for the killings is... sad, and we only find it out when "Martinique" goes into Arcade's mind to see how small and pathetic he really is. For the longest time, it looks like Arcade was injured by Wolverine, but that turns out not to be the case.

I didn't like the art very much. Gambit doesn't look very human here, his face, at times, seems like it's all sharp points and angles, and I'm not sure why it's Gambit's art that looks the worst, as opposed to all the other characters in the series. But, be that as it may, I did enjoy the story, and I think it is very well done. It plays out showing how much Wolverine must question what he knows, as so much of his history is just not there for him. A scenario such as this must be like a living hell for him. I enjoyed this story a lot, even if it is fairly short, and would recommend it to others. Highly recommended.

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