Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Blood types

I had reason to give blood recently. Specifically, my state is having a shortage of blood, and they needed me to donate. It's true that I am a past blood donor, but I feel a greater compulsion to give blood than most: I am the true universal donor.

Never heard that term? Heard it but not sure what it means? Okay, here's the scientific explanation:

There are four main blood types:A, B, AB and O. There are two blood antigens: A and B. If you have one, A, for instance, you are blood type A. If you have both, you are blood type AB. If you have neither, you are Blood type O. A antigens and B antigens are incompatible with each other, so if you have only one, and you try to transfuse another, your blood clumps, or agglutinates, in your veins. Not a pleasant experience and actually quite deadly. The same if you try transfusing A or B antigens into a person who has neither.

But that's not the only factor in blood typing. The second is the Rh, or Rhesus factor. These are another type of antigens. People who have them are Rh positive. People who don't are Rh negative. Therefore, there are actually 8 blood types, A pos, A neg, B pos, B neg, AB pos, AB neg, O pos, and O neg.

Before you receive blood, Doctors must blood type you to ensure that you receive a compatible type. However, O Rh negative, (Colloquially known as O- or O neg) can be given to anyone. Therefore, if you are losing blood and may die before they can find out which blood type you are, you will be transfused with O-. And that's the blood type I have.

My blood type is most in demand for hospitals. It's literally a lifesaver. Oh, and it's not as easy as you think. I am really uncomfortable with needles being poked in my skin (I actually bite myself to take my mind off the sensation), but because of how necessary my blood is, I do it anyway.

Giving blood is important. Your type may not be the universal donor, but you should think about giving, too. By giving blood, you can save lives. And if your blood type is as rare as mine, that life might be yours. Think about it.

Here's some links that will fill you in one blood types, blood antigens and more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you!